Saturday 29 October 2011

Google+ Tip: How to change who can message you


Google+ is great for so many things, but one thing that can become annoying is if anyone who circles you has the option to send you a message. That is, unless you change your preferences. So, let's take a quick look at how you can limit those messages down from just anyone to your circles or extended circles.

  1. Launch the Google+ Android App
  2. Press menu then go to Settings
  3. Scroll to Who Can Message You
  4. Select from Anyone, Your Circles or Extended Circles
  5. Click the back button to save your settings

Just like this you are able to change your Google+ preferences so that not just anyone can message you, and only people that you have chosen to circle back can send you messages. While some will enjoy the ability to interact with just about everyone, not everyone wants that so luckily for us the option is available to monitor who can message you.

Oh, and you are following all your favorite Android Central team members on Google+, right?


Sanyo Cannon Panasonic

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